David Hockney was born on the 9th of July 1937 in Bradford (UK) as one of five children. He studied at Bradford College of Art (1953-1957) and then the Royal College of Art in London (1959-1962).
Self portrait (1954)
His work was displayed at the exhibition "Young Contemporaries" alongside work of Peter Blake that announced the arrival of British Pop Art. Although his early work displayed expressionism instead of Pop Art. To graduate the Royal College of Art forced him to draw a female model in 1962. Because David was gay he then painted "Life Painting for a Diploma" including a male model in protest. He had refused to write an essay required for the final examination, saying he should be assessed solely on his artworks. Recognising his talent and growing reputation the Royal College of Art changed its regulations and awarded the diploma.
Life Painting For a Diploma (1962)
He went to the United States to teach at the universities of Iowa, Colorado and California. Finally in 1978 he settled permanently in Los Angeles. He frequently moved from the US to Paris and London and back. LA influenced his work. In 1964 he was inspired to do a series of painting of swimming pools.
A Bigger Splash (1967)
His work is autobiographical with paintings but also photography. He also used his skills as a stage-set designer for opera and ballet.
Afternoon Swimmings (1979)
stageset from Poulenc's opera "Les Mamelles de Tersias" (80's)
In the 90's he experimented with abstract landscapes including multi-paneled works. In June 2007 his largest painting "Bigger Trees Near Warter" was displayed at the Royal Academy annual Summer Exhibition. It measures 15 by 40 feet (4.6 by 12.2 meters).
Nichols Canyon (1980)
Bigger Trees Near Warter (2007)
In 2017 his work received lots of attention during a traveling retrospective at Tate Britain. A year later his painting "Pool With To Figures" sold at an auction for about $ 90 million, breaking the record for a living artist.
Pool With Two Figures (2018)
Queen Elizabeth II appointed Hockney to the Order of Merit. A group of no more than 24 individuals at a time who have distinguished themselves in science, art, literature, or public service in 2012.
Road to York through Sledmere (1997)
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