Sister Sledge albums

Circle Of Love (1975) - rating: ***
Still far away from what has to come

Together (1977) - rating: ****
Better then their debut with a lot of covers including 2 Stevie Wonder songs. "Funky Family" probably inspired Nile Rodgers and Bernard Edwards to produce them on their next album. The theme of that song is identical to "We Are Family". They were still overlooked.

We Are Family (1979) - rating: *****
No fillers here. All tracks are great. Their breakthrough.

Love Somebody Today (1980) - rating: *****
Another album by Nile Rodgers and Bernard Edwards who were doing 4 albums that same year. Also for: Sheila & B. Devotion, Diana Ross and Chic's fourth album "Real People". The album was not as successful as their previous album.

All American Girls (1981) - ****
Now with another producer: Narada Michael Walden. The hits singles were still there.

The Sisters (1982) - rating: ***
This time they produced the album themselves but sadly this isn't an improvement. The first single was a cover of Mary Well's "My Guy". Mary's version is still better.

Bet Cha Say That To All The Girls (1983) - rating: **
It looks liked it was game over at this point.

When The Boy Meets The Girls (1985) - rating: **
Still not a big improvement. At least they managed to score another hit with "Frankie".

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